Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to the November edition of the BRONZ Auckland newsletter. The ACC levy discussion document has been released and we detail the proposed changes in store for 2011/12. It’s also time to save the date for the 2010 Toy Run in your diary. Keep the sunny side up!

BRONZ Meeting

The next BRONZ meeting will take place on Wednesday November 17th at 7.30pm at Danish House, Rockridge Ave, Penrose. This will be the last meeting of 2010 as there will be NO December meeting, Meetings usually take place once a month, on the third Wednesday of the month. New members are always welcome, so if you wish to contribute please come along.


The BRONZ toy run is nearly upon us again! Come along with a toy to donate to the Salvation Army for children who would otherwise go without gifts. Badges will also be available for $10.

When: 10am December 4th 2010
Where: Meeting at BMW NZ in Mt Wellington, riding to The Warehouse Headquarters, Northcote
Contact: Lars on bronzruns@hotmail.com

BRONZ Blood Run

There was a good turn out for the BRONZ run in October and at least one regular BRONZ donator is now pictured the wall of fame at the Epsom Blood Centre. Well done to all those who turned out to help save lives!

Left-side Attached Side Cars

BRONZ Auckland has been approached by John Goff, a historian of Flexit sidecars from Oregon, USA who is seeking information on these sorts of sidecars in New Zealand: ‘It is rumoured that there is at least one left-side attach sidecar surviving in New Zealand. Can you help me locate this Flexit sidecar and make contact with the current owner in New Zealand?’
Anyone with nay information about left-attach sidecars should contact John at jg@teleport.com. His website with information on sidecars is here.

2011/2012 Proposed ACC Levies

The proposed ACC levies for 2011/12 have been released and there are no major changes for the motorcycle levies. Motorcycles 600cc + can expect to pay an extra $6.55, but mopeds will pay $5.80 less and motorcycles smaller than 600cc will pay $8.45 less. Other proposals include increasing the petrol levy from 9.90 cents per litre to 12.90 cents per litre from July 1 2011.

BRONZ Auckland has made a submission on these changes and ‘strongly opposes the continuance of the invidious practice of separate capacity classifications. There should be only one levy rate for all personal transportation vehicles. If there is a separate motorcycle levy rate (which there should not be) , it should be a single rate (mopeds not classing here as motorcycles).’ Our full submission is available upon request.

The full summary of levy proposals can be found here

Vehicle classs


Non-petrol powered

2010/11 levy (petrol levy 9.90)

2011/12 levy (petrol levy 12.90)

2010/11 levy

2011/12 levy

Passenger vehicles (cars, buses, taxis, mini vans) and hearses





Vintage/veteran vehicles





Mopeds (includes the motorcycle safety levy)





Motorcycles up to 600cc

(includes the motorcycle safety levy)





Motorcycles 601cc+

(includes the motorcycle safety levy)





Trucks, vans and utes (goods services vehicles)





Frightfully Civil Disobedience

Now for an amusing story from the shores of Brittania. Bikers in London have been taking their tough image to new heights, creating impromtu parades around the city to warn motorists about CCTV cars in the area:

“A band of bikers have recently taken to helping motorists in Westminster identify the London borough's fleet of CCTV smart cars. The ominous grinding sound in the background is either the sound of gears being changed – or Westminster council welcoming the move from between gritted teeth…
Pathé News-style film of the volunteer motorcyclists in action "in their jolly yellow vests helping to escort the council's camera cars around the borough" can be found on Youtube”
The full story can be read here

Local Road Safety

Noticed loose gravel, slippery tar snakes, pot holes or a diesel spill on a nearby road?
Report road hazards to the relevant agency and help protect yourself and others from the danger.
The contacts for Auckland are listed below.
BRONZ also has business cards with this information on them available upon request.

NZ Transport Agency:
0800 444 449 1(North Island)
0800 444 449 2(South Island)

Auckland Council
09 355 3550
(All Auckland areas redirect here)



Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE is a rider training course that runs once a month. Divided into alternate riding and non-riding segments, the course is made up of riding and classroom segments. Exercises in motorcycle control, counter steering, including its use for cornering, as well as exercises in braking and the theory of motorcycle control, techniques of motorcycle riding and protective gear are all included.

When: Next course November 21 (Last course for 2010!)

Where: Whenuapai Air Base
Cost: $60 for full day
Contact : Finn on 09 625 5533 or 027 484 6326 or bronzrrrs@hotmail.com

If you are aware of any upcoming events please contact the webmaster on bronzweb@gmail.com, with details on what and when and a contact number. Alternatively you can contact BRONZ via P.O. Box 96187, Balmoral, Auckland, 1342

White Ribbon Ride

When: 20-26th November 2010
Where: All over the North Island (East Coast, West Coast and Central North Island Routes)
Why: To show you’re against violence towards women
Contact: www.whiteribbon.org.nz


All the BRONZ newsletters are now available online here.
News updates will also be posted and the blog includes direct links to the BRONZ website

Useful Links:

Aims of BRONZ:

To Promote road safety through road user education
Education Rather Than Legislation Saves Lives

To protect and promote the rights of the motorcyclist to decide his/her own future as a road user
Let Those Who Ride Decide

To promote and protect the general welfare of the motorcycling public

What Does Being A Member of BRONZ Mean?

BRONZ is a voluntary, non-profit organization. Your membership fee goes back to you, the member, via research into proposed legislation and road safety, regular newsletters and other social activities (eg Toy Runs, Blood Run, Easter Egg Run).

Your membership entitles you as a member and a motorcyclist to a say in how the organization is run. You are entitled to vote on issues that will affect the future of motorcycling and you may contribute anything that you feel is important. You are not obliged to attend any meetings or other functions regularly, although to get the full benefit of what BRONZ offers it is suggested that you avail yourself to as many as possible.

Branch meetings are open to everyone, members are welcome to bring a friend.

Being a member of BRONZ does not interfere with membership of any other organization or club. As a member of BRONZ you are expected to behave in a manner that will not be detrimental to the good name of BRONZ and the image of motorcycling.

Contact BRONZ

Les Mason
Auckland President
021 781 322

Finn Nielsen
Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE Coordinator
09 625 5533

Peggy O’Neal
09 638 9227

John Maloyd
021 894 988

David Cohen
Press Officer
09 523 5308

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to the October edition of the BRONZ Auckland newsletter. With summer just around the corner it is time to suit up, brush up on road craft and make sure we all stay safe on the roads. The next blood run is also coming up and it will be good to see both new and familiar faces there. Read on and ride safe!

BRONZ Meeting

The next BRONZ meeting will take place on Wednesday October 20th at 7.30pm at Danish House, Rockridge Ave, Penrose. Meetings take place once a month, on the third Wednesday of the month. We would love to see some new faces so if you wish to contribute please come along.

BRONZ Blood Run

When: Tuesday October 19th, 5.30-7.30pm
Where: Epsom Blood Donor Centre, 71 Great South Road (Behind Dilworth School)
Why: To help save lives
Contact: Lars at bronzruns@gmail.com

Badges will be on sale for $10.

2010 Pink Ribbon Ride

A huge thank you to all those who turned out for the 2010 Pink Ribbon Ride on October 10th. The BRONZ trailer was in attendance to distribute flyers about BRONZ and the upcoming blood run. WIMA raised $18,000 for the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation, an amazing achievement for the organizers and all the motorcyclists who participated.

Local Road Safety

Noticed loose gravel, slippery tar snakes, pot holes or a diesel spill on a nearby road?
Report road hazards to the relevant agency and help protect yourself and others from the danger.
The contacts for Auckland are listed below.
BRONZ also has business cards with this information on them available upon request.

NZ Transport Agency: 0800 444 449 1(North Island)
0800 444 449 2(South Island) www.nzta.govt.nz
Manukau City Council: 09 262 5104 www.manukau.govt.nz
Waitakere City Council: 09 839 0400 www.waitakere.govt.nz
Auckland City Council: 09 370 2020 www.aucklandcity.govt.nz
North Shore City Council: 09 486 8600 www.northshorecity.govt.nz



Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE is a rider training course that runs once a month. Divided into alternate riding and non-riding segments, the course is made up of riding and classroom segments. Exercises in motorcycle control, counter steering, including its use for cornering, as well as exercises in braking and the theory of motorcycle control, techniques of motorcycle riding and protective gear are all included.

When: Next course October 17
Upcoming Courses: November 21 (last course for 2010)

Where: Whenuapai Air Base
Cost: $60 for full day
Contact : Finn on 09 625 5533 or 027 484 6326 or bronzrrrs@hotmail.com

If you are aware of any upcoming events please contact the webmaster on bronzweb@gmail.com, with details on what and when and a contact number. Alternatively you can contact BRONZ via P.O. Box 96187, Balmoral, Auckland, 1342

Useful Links:
Aims of BRONZ:

To Promote road safety through road user education
Education Rather Than Legislation Saves Lives

To protect and promote the rights of the motorcyclist to decide his/her own future as a road user
Let Those Who Ride Decide

To promote and protect the general welfare of the motorcycling public

What Does Being A Member of BRONZ Mean?

BRONZ is a voluntary, non-profit organization. Your membership fee goes back to you, the member, via research into proposed legislation and road safety, regular newsletters and other social activities (eg Toy Runs, Blood Run, Easter Egg Run).

Your membership entitles you as a member and a motorcyclist to a say in how the organization is run. You are entitled to vote on issues that will affect the future of motorcycling and you may contribute anything that you feel is important. You are not obliged to attend any meetings or other functions regularly, although to get the full benefit of what BRONZ offers it is suggested that you avail yourself to as many as possible.

Branch meetings are open to everyone, members are welcome to bring a friend.

Being a member of BRONZ does not interfere with membership of any other organization or club. As a member of BRONZ you are expected to behave in a manner that will not be detrimental to the good name of BRONZ and the image of motorcycling.

Contact BRONZ

Les Mason
Auckland President
021 781 322

Finn Nielsen
Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE Coordinator
09 625 5533

Peggy O’Neal
09 638 9227

John Maloyd
021 894 988

David Cohen
Press Officer
09 523 5308

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Press Release - BRONZ Federation (Inc)


Bikers Rights Organization of New Zealand, would like to announce on behalf of all Branches Nationwide, that a Committee has been formed as BRONZ Federation (Inc.) in a meeting at Lower Hutt on Saturday 11th September 2010.

BRONZ Federation (Inc) is the collective voice to represent ALL BRONZ Branches and of course all of NZ’s motorcyclists with no bias of gender, age, class of license, type of bike, or lifestyle.

The Federation is composed of 2 delegates from each current regional Branch:-

Otago – Bob Gillespie and Nat Voight
Auckland – Finn Neilsen, Stephen Dodge
Timaru – Maurice Jones, TBC
Wellington – Brent Hutchison, Byron Cummins
Taranaki – Mel Fox, Sandra Heal

A Spokesperson for the Federation and a Secretary/Treasurer were also voted in:-

Federation Spokesperson - Brent Hutchison
Federation Secretary/Treasurer - Kim McGill

The Branches will be the driving force, bringing the issues they face to the Federation for it to take to Government via the appropriate channels. The Federation will communicate back to the Branches on issues it is dealing with that affect us at a national level and request their input.

The newly formed Federation will also be open to communication and cooperative approach from all Motorcycle Organizations in New Zealand to assist in achieving desired and achievable outcomes and representation for all Motorcyclists.

BRONZ as a collective can lay direct claim to having led the National Protest Ride last year, the BIKEOI, with the help and support of its Branches and other groups such as WIMA, Ulysses, HOG and many others.

We continue to contest the need for the levy increase, and have also achieved direct representation on the ACC Motorcycle Safety Levy Establishment Group, overseeing the funds ring-fenced for Motorcycle Safety projects (more info at :- www.acc.co.nz/motorcycle-safety-levy.co.nz )

BRONZ was also invited by the ACC Minister to join the recent visit to Victoria to study the model in place there, and gain understanding of what may work for New Zealand.

The Federation wishes to thank all the BRONZ Regional Branches for their cooperation and support.

Brent Hutchison
BRONZ Federation (Inc) Spokesperson
027 6543 110

Friday, September 10, 2010

ACC Levy: Vicroads Meeting

Vicroads Meeting

The ACC minister Nick Smith recently invited representatives from BRONZ, Ulysses and AA to accompany him on a trip to Victoria to learn how the Motorcycle Safety Levy (MSL) is used there. Some inconvenient truths were revealed to the Minister, such as the fact that the Victorian authorities have no problem with cross-subsidisation across vehicle types and the fact that all projects related to the MSL fund had to be approved by a committee of representative motorcyclists. Les Mason’s write up is

Vicroads Visit

We now have to pay an extra $30 per bike per year for a "safety levy". Three million dollars annually.

Many bikers have intimated that this money will become a slush fund for junkets or be spent on things that should be funded from other sources. They fear that biker money will provide benefits for everyone but bikers.

BRONZ forcibly represented these concerns to the Minister.

The Minister then suggested that representatives from BRONZ (and Ulysses, MNZ and AA) accompany him to Victoria to see first hand how the scheme works there

We took him up on the offer and went along to see the Vicroads[1] ministers and bureaucrats. They were confident their scheme was effective. "Prove it." we said. Being cynical and suspicious ourselves, we also asked some Victorian bikers how it worked for them. We can now summarise what we found:

Victoria has a TAC[2] scheme, very similar to the motor vehicle part of ACC. Like ACC , TAC pays out more in motorcycle claims than it takes in motorcycle levies. TAC don't regard that cross subsidisation as evil. They recognise that cross subsidisation occurs at many levels and that fairness and affordability are more important.

On average the Victorian total TAC levy on a bike is similar to our ACC levy in cost, at around $400 a year. Unlike ACC however, you only have to pay the TAC safety levy on one bike. The Australian officials said it wasn't hard to administer.

So, where does the Victorian levy money go? And how do bikers stop it being hi-jacked?

Victorian bikers have a group called VMCA on which biker organisations are represented . No levy money can be spent on anything unless VMCA agree. We liked that. But the list of possible projects and the priorities those projects have is set by the Minister, not the bureaucrats.

So far, about 65% of their money has been spent on infrastructure improvements. Fixing corners, providing flexible posts, putting guard strips over wire rope barriers (Yes!) . These are all things that make crashing less painful.

The reason the system has been productive is largely due to the suspicious and cynical nature of Victorian bikers. They demanded proof that the money spent was actually stopping biker injuries. Infrastructure improvements produce easily measurable results, but that emphasis is changing as the scheme matures.

The overall figures tell their own story. More bikes on the road, but deaths are down 20% , serious injuries down 32%. This comes at a time when fatalities and injuries have gone up in every other state, and New Zealand. The levy money in NZ needs to be spent wisely and motorcyling groups need to play a key role in deciding what will work best for them.

[1] ( equivalent to our NZTA)

[2] Transport Accident Compensation

September 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to the September edition of the BRONZ newsletter. Included this month are details on the Motorcycle Safety Levy developments and a list of upcoming events. Keep the sunny side up!

BRONZ Meeting

The next BRONZ meeting will take place on Wednesday September 15th at 7.30pm at Danish House, Rockridge Ave, Penrose. Meetings take place once a month, on the third Wednesday of the month. We would love to see some new faces so if you wish to contribute please come along.

Vicroads Meeting

The ACC minister Nick Smith recently invited representatives from BRONZ, Ulysses and AA to accompany him on a trip to Victoria to learn how the Motorcycle Safety Levy (MSL) is used there. Some inconvenient truths were revealed to the Minister, such as the fact that the Victorian authorities have no problem with cross-subsidisation across vehicle types and the fact that all projects related to the MSL fund had to be approved by a committee of representative motorcyclists. Les Mason’s write up is attached.


All the BRONZ newsletters are now available online here.
News updates will also be posted and the blog includes direct links to the BRONZ website

Local Road Safety

Noticed loose gravel, slippery tar snakes, pot holes or a diesel spill on a nearby road?
Report road hazards to the relevant agency and help protect yourself and others from the danger.
The contacts for Auckland are listed below.
BRONZ also has business cards with this information on them available upon request.

NZ Transport Agency: 0800 444 449 1(North Island)
0800 444 449 1(South Island) www.nzta.govt.nz
Manukau City Council: 09 262 5104 www.manukau.govt.nz
Waitakere City Council: 09 839 0400 www.waitakere.govt.nz
Auckland City Council: 09 370 2020 www.aucklandcity.govt.nz
North Shore City Council: 09 486 8600 www.northshorecity.govt.nz



Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE is a rider training course that runs once a month. Divided into alternate riding and non-riding segments, the course is made up of riding and classroom segments. Exercises in motorcycle control, counter steering, including its use for cornering, as well as exercises in braking and the theory of motorcycle control, techniques of motorcycle riding and protective gear are all included.

When: Next course September 19
Upcoming Courses: October 17, November 21

Where: Whenuapai Air Base
Cost: $60 for full day
Contact : Finn on 09 625 5533 or 027 484 6326 or bronzrrrs@hotmail.com

2010 Pink Ribbon Ride

When: Sunday October 10th, 9.30am
Where: Auckland Netball Centre car park, 7 Allison Ferguson Drive, St Johns, Auckland
Depart: 10.30am sharp!
End Venue: Western Springs Stadium car park
Why: To raise awareness of and money in support of Breast Cancer victims
Contact: Julez on 021 614 646 or vist www.wima.org.nz

Badges will be on sale for $10. The non-riding public is invited to meet at the end venue to show their support, enjoy a BBQ and inspect the spectacle of assembled motorcycles.

If you are aware of any upcoming events please contact the webmaster on bronzweb@gmail.com, with details on what and when and a contact number. Alternatively you can contact BRONZ via P.O. Box 96187, Balmoral, Auckland, 1342

BRONZ Blood Run

When: Tuesday October 19th, 5.30-7.30pm
Where: Epsom Blood Donor Centre, 71 Great South Road (Behind Dilworth School)
Why: To help save lives
Contact: Lars at bronzruns@gmail.com

Badges will be on sale for $10.

If you are aware of any upcoming events please contact the webmaster on bronzweb@gmail.com, with details on what and when and a contact number. Alternatively you can contact BRONZ via P.O. Box 96187, Balmoral, Auckland, 1342

Useful Links:
Aims of BRONZ:

To Promote road safety through road user education
Education Rather Than Legislation Saves Lives

To protect and promote the rights of the motorcyclist to decide his/her own future as a road user
Let Those Who Ride Decide

To promote and protect the general welfare of the motorcycling public

What Does Being A Member of BRONZ Mean?

BRONZ is a voluntary, non-profit organization. Your membership fee goes back to you, the member, via research into proposed legislation and road safety, regular newsletters and other social activities (eg Toy Runs, Blood Run, Easter Egg Run).

Your membership entitles you as a member and a motorcyclist to a say in how the organization is run. You are entitled to vote on issues that will affect the future of motorcycling and you may contribute anything that you feel is important. You are not obliged to attend any meetings or other functions regularly, although to get the full benefit of what BRONZ offers it is suggested that you avail yourself to as many as possible.

Branch meetings are open to everyone, members are welcome to bring a friend.

Being a member of BRONZ does not interfere with membership of any other organization or club. As a member of BRONZ you are expected to behave in a manner that will not be detrimental to the good name of BRONZ and the image of motorcycling.

Contact BRONZ

Les Mason
Auckland President
021 781 322

Finn Nielsen
Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE Coordinator
09 625 5533

Peggy O’Neal
09 638 9227

John Maloyd
021 894 988

David Cohen
Press Officer
09 523 5308

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

August 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to the August edition of the BRONZ newsletter. Included this month is the President’s Report from 2009/2010, an update from BRONZ Wellington and details on upcoming charity rides. Read On and Ride Safe.

BRONZ Meeting

The next BRONZ meeting will take place on Wednesday August 18th at 7.30pm at Danish House, Rockridge Ave, Penrose. Meetings take place once a month, on the third Wednesday of the month. We would love to see some new faces so if you wish to contribute please come along.


Prior to the usual monthly committee meeting a very brief meeting will be convened to ratify the decisions taken at last months AGM, in accordance with clause 7.5 of the constitution. Final election results will be announced in the next newsletter.

The President’s report for 2009/2010 is attached.


All the BRONZ newsletters are now available online here
News updates will also be posted and the blog includes direct links to the BRONZ website

Motorcycle Safety Levy Establishment Group

BRONZ Wellington have recently attended the first meeting as members of the ‘Motorcycle Safety Levy Establishment Group’. This group will act as a steering group, helping to ensure the funds earmarked for motorcycle safety actually go back towards motorcyclists. The full ACC press release on the group can be read here, and an extract is included below:

“In March 2010 the Government approved the introduction of a Motorcycle Safety Levy (MSL) to help fund motorcycle safety initiatives to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcycle, scooter and moped riders.
… ACC has set up a MSL Establishment Group to develop the foundations for how the MSL programme will be administered and operated.
The establishment group is made up of eight people representing the following groups: Ulysses Club of NZ Inc, Bikers Rights Organisation of NZ (BRONZ), Women’s International Motorcycle Association (WIMA), Motorcycling New Zealand, Scoot NZ, NZ Classic Scooter Club, Motor Industry Association, Ministry of Transport and the NZ Transport Agency. Seven of the group members are motorbike or moped riders.”

Local Road Safety

Noticed loose gravel, slippery tar snakes, pot holes or a diesel spill on a nearby road?
Report road hazards to the relevant agency and help protect yourself and others from the danger.
The contacts for Auckland are listed below.
BRONZ also has business cards with this information on them available upon request.

NZ Transport Agency: 0800 444 449 1(North Island)
0800 444 449 1(South Island) www.nzta.govt.nz
Manukau City Council: 09 262 5104 www.manukau.govt.nz
Waitakere City Council: 09 839 0400 www.waitakere.govt.nz
Auckland City Council: 09 370 2020 www.aucklandcity.govt.nz
North Shore City Council: 09 486 8600 www.northshorecity.govt.nz



Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE is a rider training course that runs once a month. Divided into alternate riding and non-riding segments, the course is made up of riding and classroom segments. Exercises in motorcycle control, counter steering, including its use for cornering, as well as exercises in braking and the theory of motorcycle control, techniques of motorcycle riding and protective gear are all included.

When: Next course August 15
Upcoming Courses: September 19, October 17, November 21

Where: Whenuapai Air Base
Cost: $60 for full day
Contact : Finn on 09 625 5533 or 027 484 6326 or bronzrrrs@hotmail.com

Blue September Coastal Bike Ride

The blue September Coastal Bike Ride is a ride around the coastline of NZ. This is an event to support Blue September during September. The purpose of the ride is to raise awareness of Prostate Cancer which kills 600 men every year throughout NZ.

Riders may join the ride at any stage throughout the country and are asked to contribute $10 towards the Prostate Cancer Foundation in exchange for a commemorative patch and BBQ sausage. Please wear a blue scarf if possible.

When: Saturday September 4th, 1pm
Where: Caltex Grand Drive, Orewa
Why: To raise awareness of and money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation
Contact: John Bourne on 022 640 5738

2010 Pink Ribbon Ride

When: Sunday October 10th, 9.30am
Where: Auckland Netball Centre car park, 7 Allison Ferguson Drive, St Johns, Auckland
Depart: 10.30am sharp!
End Venue: Western Springs Stadium car park
Why: To raise awareness of and money in support of Breast Cancer victims
Contact: Julez on 021 614 646 or vist www.wima.org.nz

Badges will be on sale for $10. The non-riding public is invited to meet at the end venue to show their support, enjoy a BBQ and inspect the spectacle of assembled motorcycles.

If you are aware of any upcoming events please contact the webmaster on bronzweb@gmail.com, with details on what and when and a contact number. Alternatively you can contact BRONZ via P.O. Box 96187, Balmoral, Auckland, 1342

Useful Links:

Aims of BRONZ:

To Promote road safety through road user education
Education Rather Than Legislation Saves Lives

To protect and promote the rights of the motorcyclist to decide his/her own future as a road user
Let Those Who Ride Decide

To promote and protect the general welfare of the motorcycling public

What Does Being A Member of BRONZ Mean?

BRONZ is a voluntary, non-profit organization. Your membership fee goes back to you, the member, via research into proposed legislation and road safety, regular newsletters and other social activities (eg Toy Runs, Blood Run, Easter Egg Run).

Your membership entitles you as a member and a motorcyclist to a say in how the organization is run. You are entitled to vote on issues that will affect the future of motorcycling and you may contribute anything that you feel is important. You are not obliged to attend any meetings or other functions regularly, although to get the full benefit of what BRONZ offers it is suggested that you avail yourself to as many as possible.

Branch meetings are open to everyone, members are welcome to bring a friend.

Being a member of BRONZ does not interfere with membership of any other organization or club. As a member of BRONZ you are expected to behave in a manner that will not be detrimental to the good name of BRONZ and the image of motorcycling.

Contact BRONZ

Les Mason
Auckland President
021 781 322

Finn Nielsen
Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE Coordinator
09 625 5533

Peggy O’Neal
09 638 9227

John Maloyd
021 894 988

David Cohen
Press Officer
09 523 5308

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to the July edition of the BRONZ newsletter. The Auckland AGM is less than a week away and it would be great to see some fresh faces come along. Also included this month are ways to get proactive about your local roads and details of upcoming rides. Keep the sunny side up!

BRONZ Meeting
The next BRONZ meeting will take place on Wednesday July 21st at 7.30pm at Danish House, Rockridge Ave, Penrose. Meetings take place once a month, on the third Wednesday of the month. We would love to see some new faces so if you wish to contribute please come along.
This month’s meeting is also the BRONZ Auckland AGM:

BRONZ Auckland AGM

The 2010 BRONZ Auckland AGM will be held on
Wednesday 21 July 2010
Venue: The Danish House
Address: 6 Rockridge Road, (Off O’Rorke Road) Penrose, Auckland
Date: Wednesday 21 July 2010
Time: 7:30pm

Attached is a nomination form for nominating office bearers and committee members for the 2010/11 year. Bring it along to meet the candidates and make your choices count.
Everyone is welcome to come along and be a part of the AGM and join us for supper as this is your chance to meet other members and have an input into how YOUR organisation is run.
It would be great to have more members come along and see what we do. We really appreciate support and input from our members.

Local Road Safety
Noticed loose gravel, slippery tar snakes, pot holes or a diesel spill on a nearby road?
Report road hazards to the relevant agency and help protect yourself and others from the danger.
The contacts for Auckland are listed below.
BRONZ also has business cards with this information on them available upon request.

NZ Transport Agency: 0800 444 449 1(North Island)
0800 444 449 1(South Island) www.nzta.govt.nz
Manukau City Council: 09 262 5104 www.manukau.govt.nz
Waitakere City Council: 09 839 0400 www.waitakere.govt.nz
Auckland City Council: 09 370 2020 www.aucklandcity.govt.nz
North Shore City Council: 09 486 8600 www.northshorecity.govt.nz


Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE is a rider training course that runs once a month. Divided into alternate riding and non-riding segments, the course is made up of riding and classroom segments. Exercises in motorcycle control, counter steering, including its use for cornering, as well as exercises in braking and the theory of motorcycle control, techniques of motorcycle riding and protective gear are all included.

When: Next course August 15
Upcoming Courses: September 19, October 17, November 21

Where: Whenuapai Air Base
Cost: $60 for full day
Contact : Finn on 09 625 5533 or 027 484 6326 or bronzrrrs@hotmail.com

Blood Donations
It has been three months since the last official BRONZ blood run and it is now three months until the next one, in October. Donations are possible every three months.
What does this mean?
Now is the time to donate again! BRONZ members are invited to donate blood together with the Auckland University Scooter and Motorcycle Club at their group donation.
What: Blood Run
When: 27 July 2010, 5-7pm
Where: Auckland Blood Centre, Great South Road (behind Dilworth School)

Speed Show
When: 24 -25 July 2010
Where: ASB Showgrounds, Greenlane, Auckland
What: New Zealand’s largest motoring and motosports show. Ducati join the new motorcycle line-up this year with some very special bikes and merchandise. Triumph, Aprilia, Suzuki, Victory, Honda, Kawasaki, BMW and Royal Enfield brands are confirmed as is an extremely rare brand – Cotton Motorcycles. For more information visit http://www.speedshow.co.nz/

Blue September Coastal Bike Ride
The blue September Coastal Bike Ride is a ride around the coastline of NZ. This is an event to support Blue September during September. The purpose of the ride is to raise awareness of Prostate Cancer which kills 600 men every year throughout NZ.

Riders may join the ride at any stage throughout the country and are asked to contribute $10 towards the Prostate Cancer Foundation in exchange for a commemorative patch and BBQ sausage. Please wear a blue scarf if possible.

When: Saturday September 4th, 1pm
Where: Caltex Grand Drive, Orewa
Why: To raise awareness of and money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation
Contact: John Bourne on 022 640 5738

If you are aware of any upcoming events please contact the webmaster on bronzweb@gmail.com, with details on what and when and a contact number. Alternatively you can contact BRONZ via P.O. Box 96187, Balmoral, Auckland, 1342

Useful Links:
BRONZ - http://www.bronz.org.nz/
KiwiBiker discussion forum - http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/forumdisplay.php/108-ACC-levy-campaign
Bikers Against ACC - http://www.bikersagainstacc.org.nz/

Aims of BRONZ:
To Promote road safety through road user education
Education Rather Than Legislation Saves Lives

To protect and promote the rights of the motorcyclist to decide his/her own future as a road user
Let Those Who Ride Decide

To promote and protect the general welfare of the motorcycling public

What Does Being A Member of BRONZ Mean?
BRONZ is a voluntary, non-profit organization. Your membership fee goes back to you, the member, via research into proposed legislation and road safety, regular newsletters and other social activities (eg Toy Runs, Blood Run, Easter Egg Run).

Your membership entitles you as a member and a motorcyclist to a say in how the organization is run. You are entitled to vote on issues that will affect the future of motorcycling and you may contribute anything that you feel is important. You are not obliged to attend any meetings or other functions regularly, although to get the full benefit of what BRONZ offers it is suggested that you avail yourself to as many as possible.

Branch meetings are open to everyone, members are welcome to bring a friend.

Being a member of BRONZ does not interfere with membership of any other organization or club. As a member of BRONZ you are expected to behave in a manner that will not be detrimental to the good name of BRONZ and the image of motorcycling.

Contact BRONZ

Les Mason
Auckland President
021 781 322

Finn Nielsen
Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE Coordinator
09 625 5533

Peggy O’Neal
09 638 9227

John Maloyd
021 894 988

David Cohen
Press Officer
09 523 5308

P O Box 96187
Auckland 1342
New Zealand
Email: bronzauckland@hotmail.com
Website: www.bronz.org.nz
Secretary/Treasurer: Peggy O’Neal

2010 Nomination Form
Please complete and send it to the address given above before the Annual General Meeting or bring it with you on the night:

Venue: The Danish House
Address: 6 Rockridge Road, (Off O’Rorke Road) Penrose, Auckland
Date: Wednesday 21 July 2010
Time: 7-30pm


Nominated By
Seconded By

Secretary/ Treasurer
Membership Secretary
National Representative



This form is submitted by: ________________________________

Date: ____/_____/20_____ Signature: ___________________________

June 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to the June edition of the BRONZ newsletter. With the AGM fast approaching and another ACC protest event on the cards this month things are not slowing down, even if inclement weather is forcing many of us to! Read on and Ride Safe.

BRONZ Meeting
The next BRONZ meeting will take place on Wednesday June 16th at 7.30pm at Danish House, Rockridge Ave, Penrose. Meetings take place once a month, on the third Wednesday of the month. We would love to see some new faces so if you wish to contribute please come along.

The minutes from the last BRONZ meeting in May are attached.

The 2010 BRONZ AGM will be held on Wednesday 21 July 2010
Venue: The Danish House
Address: 6 Rockridge Road, (Off O’Rorke Road) Penrose, Auckland
Date: Wednesday 21 July 2010
Time: 7-30pm
Attached is a nomination form for nominating office bearers and committee members for the 2010/11 year. Everyone is welcome to come along and be a part of the AGM and join us for supper as this is your chance to meet other members and have an input into how YOUR organisation is run.
It would be great to have more members come along and see what we do. We really appreciate support and input from our members.

Northern Gateway Toll Road
The NZ Transport Agency has announced that motorcyclists will be tolled for using the Northern Gateway Toll Road on State Highway 1 north of Auckland. They claim that ‘everyone who uses the toll road enjoys the benefits of the straighter, quicker route. Motorcyclists equally benefit from the shorter travel time, safer motorway and fuel cost savings’.
BRONZ disagrees with this, given that motorcycles cause far less damage to the roads that four wheeled vehicles and carry the added bonus of easing congestion. BRONZ made a submission to this effect during the public consultation period in late 2009.
BRONZ is considering taking action to express its disappointment at the decision, but in the meantime it is worth noting that as of 1 June 2010 all motorcycles have been liable for a $2 fee for using the road.

More information here

ACC News

‘ACC: We’re watching you’
Featuring a special guest from the beehive who you’ve all been longing to meet…
We’re still not happy with ACC, come along to this event to make some noise and find out why!
When: 27th June, 11am (This is the last weekend before the new levies come into play)
Where: Viaduct Harbour
Why: We are still not happy with ACC and have a message for the minister.

Motorcycle Accident Myths
Associate Professor Charles Lamb, Head Business Management, Law and Marketing and Director Australasian Institute of Motorcycles Studies Project at Lincoln University recently presented a detailed analysis of the NZ Ministry of Transport accident data that questions the commonly held view of what is causing NZ’s motorcycle accidents.

His presentation slides can be viewed via this link

Last chance for lower levies: It’s not too late to register your motorcycle for an extra 15 months under the existing rates, just get down to the AA, an NZ Post Shop or VTNZ and pick up an MR27 form. This will allow you to register your bike for an extended period and delay the impact of the new levies until September 2011. These must be completed prior to 1st July 2010. The new ACC levies for cars and motorcycles come into effect on July 1st 2010.


Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE is a rider training course that runs once a month. Divided into alternate riding and non-riding segments, the course is made up of riding and classroom segments. Exercises in motorcycle control, counter steering, including its use for cornering, as well as exercises in braking and the theory of motorcycle control, techniques of motorcycle riding and protective gear are all included.

When: Next course June 20
Upcoming Courses: July 18, August 15, September 19

Where: Whenuapai Air Base
Cost: $60 for full day
Contact : Finn on 09 625 5533 or 027 484 6326 or bronzrrrs@hotmail.com

Speed Show
When: 24 -25 July 2010
Where: ASB Showgrounds, Greenlane, Auckland
What: New Zealand’s largest motoring and motosports show. Ducati join the new motorcycle line-up this year with some very special bikes and merchandise. Triumph, Aprilia, Suzuki, Victory, Honda, Kawasaki, BMW and Royal Enfield brands are confirmed as is an extremely rare brand – Cotton Motorcycles. For more information visit http://www.speedshow.co.nz/

If you are aware of any upcoming events please contact the webmaster on bronzweb@gmail.com, with details on what and when and a contact number. Alternatively you can contact BRONZ via P.O. Box 96187, Balmoral, Auckland, 1342

Useful Links:
- http://www.bronz.org.nz/
KiwiBiker discussion forum
- http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/forumdisplay.php/108-ACC-levy-campaign
Bikers Against ACC
- http://www.bikersagainstacc.org.nz/

Aims of BRONZ:
To Promote road safety through road user education
Education Rather Than Legislation Saves Lives

To protect and promote the rights of the motorcyclist to decide his/her own future as a road user
Let Those Who Ride Decide

To promote and protect the general welfare of the motorcycling public

What Does Being A Member of BRONZ Mean?
BRONZ is a voluntary, non-profit organization. Your membership fee goes back to you, the member, via research into proposed legislation and road safety, regular newsletters and other social activities (eg Toy Runs, Blood Run, Easter Egg Run).

Your membership entitles you as a member and a motorcyclist to a say in how the organization is run. You are entitled to vote on issues that will affect the future of motorcycling and you may contribute anything that you feel is important. You are not obliged to attend any meetings or other functions regularly, although to get the full benefit of what BRONZ offers it is suggested that you avail yourself to as many as possible.

Branch meetings are open to everyone, members are welcome to bring a friend.

Being a member of BRONZ does not interfere with membership of any other organization or club. As a member of BRONZ you are expected to behave in a manner that will not be detrimental to the good name of BRONZ and the image of motorcycling.

Contact BRONZ
Les Mason
Auckland President
021 781 322

Finn Nielsen
Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE Coordinator
09 625 5533

Peggy O’Neal
09 638 9227

John Maloyd
021 894 988

David Cohen
Press Officer
09 523 5308

The Danish House
Wednesday 19 May 2010
Start Time 7:42pm

Welcome: A welcome was extended to everyone

Les moved that we accept the Apologies, seconded by Hanne, agreed unanimously

Present: Peggy O'Neal, John Maloyd, Karl Meachin, Colleen Jagger, Philip Jagger, Neil Walsh, Attila Csapascyn??, Hanne Nielsen, Mark Casidy, David Cohen, Stephen Dodge, Mike Chambers, Finn Neilsen, Lars F Neilsen, Paul ???, Paul C, Brian Mills

Minutes: Les moved that we accept the Minutes from the last meeting as read, seconded by John, agreed unanimously

Matters Arising from Minutes:
Finn has talked with Linden/BRONZ National about BRONZ National and will talk with BRONZ Otago, BRONZ Taranaki, BRONZ Wellington and Hamilton, hopefully June sometime there will be a gathering.

Anne James ride early May had 106 riders for the ACC protest

Web Hosting $33.75/month with 2day.com, John and Stephen will sort this out and see if we can get a better deal elsewhere.
Les moved that we ask John and Stephen to look at Web hosting costs, seconded by John, agreed unanimously

Mail In + Mail out Correspondence
Ministry of Economic Development – Companies Office for Financial Statements 2009
Westpac notice of stopped cheque, I will contact the person
Westpac Statements + Resident Withholding Tax Certificate
Email from Hanne with items for the Agenda
Returned ‘Centreline’, have changed to their email address.
NZ Transport Agency, Proposed Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices Amendment
Wickliffe, Changes made to Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Rule

NEW MEMBERS, Geoff Alcock, Roy Milne, Bill Crawley, Graeme Hauer, Alistair Edwards, Bernard Orr.
RENEWALS, Mike Tizard, Geoff (Scruff) Young, Steve Southall, Rosco Pennell, Wayne Davison, John MacFarlane, Liz MacFarlane, Philip Jagger, Colleen Jagger, Cedric Chambers, Paul Tremewan, Brian Welch, Anne Welch.

Les moved that we accept the Secretary’s Report, seconded by Finn, agreed unanimously

Treasurer’s Report:
Paid, Macmillan, Nameplate Engravers, Trailer warrant/rego
Accounts as at 18/05/2010 Current Balance
BRONZ 03 0206 0031953 000 $ 3 686.01 CR
BRONZ Savings 03 0206 0031953 026 $ 5 417.71 CR
BRONZ RRRS 03 0206 0031953 002 $ 378.11 CR
TOTAL $9 481.83 CR

Letter has been sent to Mr Clements re motorcycle parking in the city. The ‘Motorcycle Stakeholders Group’ was abandoned and may restart.
Les moved that we accept the Secretary/Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Mike, agreed unanimously

General Business:
Nothing further on setting up RRRS as a Charitable Trust

ACC Protest Sunday 27 June 2010. Venue TBC. This is the last weekend before ACC fees take effect 1 July 2010. We are not happy! What are they doing with the $30 revenue that is to be allocated to Rider Training??? Final program of the day will be confirmed later. Ride in to the venue; let it be known our concerns.
The ACC increase has been gazetted. The venue is to be finalised, to bring attention to Mr Smith that we are not happy; invites will be sent out, media to be notified. Discussion on how we will promote ourselves to be safe and to be seen.
We can’t dictate to riders what they should/shouldn’t wear, e.g. high Vis. Discussion on hour we could manager the day/ride afterwards. Disruption on the day – we don’t condone illegal activities. Looking to make this a national event for BRONZ.
Discussion on Toll Road maybe protest ride after the ACC Protest event 27 June 2010.

Stephen asked about RRRS ‘Riding in Groups ACC DVD, he will contact ACC for more.
Parking in Auckland City, talks etc still in progress, Stephen and Les are chasing this up and asked who is DALE CLEMENTS???

Hanne asked that we all start collecting all press releases and email the link to our webmaster to load on our website.

BRONZ sticker – we are watching you, a design/size was chosen, just looking a new ‘eye’. Will order 200 when finalised. Back with the ‘sticker maker’ at the moment for new sample.

Finn discussed ‘non compliant’ helmets. Two persons have been ticketed – check you helmet now for the standards sticker on it.

David asked what our BRONZ membership is, didn’t know at the time and said I will check it is 242 financial members.

Our BRONZ AUCKLAND AGM will be 21 July 2010, see elsewhere for Notice of meeting and Nomination form. I have been doing this job for some time and would love someone new to take over. This is BRONZ Secretary/Treasury, membership and if necessary Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE course list maintenance although I am happy to continue with that as most days I am helping out at the course. I feel BRONZ Auckland would benefit from someone with new ideas.

Meeting Closed: 9.05pm Next meeting: 16 June 2010

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Venue: The Danish House
Address: 6 Rockridge Road, (Off O’Rorke Road) Penrose, Auckland
Date: Wednesday 21 July 2010
Time: 7-30pm

Everyone is welcome to come along and be a part of the AGM and join us for supper as this is your chance to meet other members and have an input into how YOUR club is run.

It would be great to have more members come along and see what we do.

We really appreciate support and input from our members.

Ta Peggy

P O Box 96187
Auckland 1342
New Zealand
Email: bronzauckland@hotmail.com
Website: www.bronz.org.nz
Secretary/Treasurer: Peggy O’Neal

2010 Nomination Form
Please complete and send it to the address given above before the Annual General Meeting or bring it with you on the night:

Venue: The Danish House
Address: 6 Rockridge Road, (Off O’Rorke Road) Penrose, Auckland
Date: Wednesday 21 July 2010
Time: 7-30pm


Nominee Nominated By Seconded By

Secretary/ Treasurer
Membership Secretary
National Representative



This form is submitted by: ________________________________

Date: ____/_____/20_____ Signature: ___________________________

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