Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to the November edition of the BRONZ Auckland newsletter. The ACC levy discussion document has been released and we detail the proposed changes in store for 2011/12. It’s also time to save the date for the 2010 Toy Run in your diary. Keep the sunny side up!

BRONZ Meeting

The next BRONZ meeting will take place on Wednesday November 17th at 7.30pm at Danish House, Rockridge Ave, Penrose. This will be the last meeting of 2010 as there will be NO December meeting, Meetings usually take place once a month, on the third Wednesday of the month. New members are always welcome, so if you wish to contribute please come along.


The BRONZ toy run is nearly upon us again! Come along with a toy to donate to the Salvation Army for children who would otherwise go without gifts. Badges will also be available for $10.

When: 10am December 4th 2010
Where: Meeting at BMW NZ in Mt Wellington, riding to The Warehouse Headquarters, Northcote
Contact: Lars on bronzruns@hotmail.com

BRONZ Blood Run

There was a good turn out for the BRONZ run in October and at least one regular BRONZ donator is now pictured the wall of fame at the Epsom Blood Centre. Well done to all those who turned out to help save lives!

Left-side Attached Side Cars

BRONZ Auckland has been approached by John Goff, a historian of Flexit sidecars from Oregon, USA who is seeking information on these sorts of sidecars in New Zealand: ‘It is rumoured that there is at least one left-side attach sidecar surviving in New Zealand. Can you help me locate this Flexit sidecar and make contact with the current owner in New Zealand?’
Anyone with nay information about left-attach sidecars should contact John at jg@teleport.com. His website with information on sidecars is here.

2011/2012 Proposed ACC Levies

The proposed ACC levies for 2011/12 have been released and there are no major changes for the motorcycle levies. Motorcycles 600cc + can expect to pay an extra $6.55, but mopeds will pay $5.80 less and motorcycles smaller than 600cc will pay $8.45 less. Other proposals include increasing the petrol levy from 9.90 cents per litre to 12.90 cents per litre from July 1 2011.

BRONZ Auckland has made a submission on these changes and ‘strongly opposes the continuance of the invidious practice of separate capacity classifications. There should be only one levy rate for all personal transportation vehicles. If there is a separate motorcycle levy rate (which there should not be) , it should be a single rate (mopeds not classing here as motorcycles).’ Our full submission is available upon request.

The full summary of levy proposals can be found here

Vehicle classs


Non-petrol powered

2010/11 levy (petrol levy 9.90)

2011/12 levy (petrol levy 12.90)

2010/11 levy

2011/12 levy

Passenger vehicles (cars, buses, taxis, mini vans) and hearses





Vintage/veteran vehicles





Mopeds (includes the motorcycle safety levy)





Motorcycles up to 600cc

(includes the motorcycle safety levy)





Motorcycles 601cc+

(includes the motorcycle safety levy)





Trucks, vans and utes (goods services vehicles)





Frightfully Civil Disobedience

Now for an amusing story from the shores of Brittania. Bikers in London have been taking their tough image to new heights, creating impromtu parades around the city to warn motorists about CCTV cars in the area:

“A band of bikers have recently taken to helping motorists in Westminster identify the London borough's fleet of CCTV smart cars. The ominous grinding sound in the background is either the sound of gears being changed – or Westminster council welcoming the move from between gritted teeth…
Pathé News-style film of the volunteer motorcyclists in action "in their jolly yellow vests helping to escort the council's camera cars around the borough" can be found on Youtube”
The full story can be read here

Local Road Safety

Noticed loose gravel, slippery tar snakes, pot holes or a diesel spill on a nearby road?
Report road hazards to the relevant agency and help protect yourself and others from the danger.
The contacts for Auckland are listed below.
BRONZ also has business cards with this information on them available upon request.

NZ Transport Agency:
0800 444 449 1(North Island)
0800 444 449 2(South Island)

Auckland Council
09 355 3550
(All Auckland areas redirect here)



Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE is a rider training course that runs once a month. Divided into alternate riding and non-riding segments, the course is made up of riding and classroom segments. Exercises in motorcycle control, counter steering, including its use for cornering, as well as exercises in braking and the theory of motorcycle control, techniques of motorcycle riding and protective gear are all included.

When: Next course November 21 (Last course for 2010!)

Where: Whenuapai Air Base
Cost: $60 for full day
Contact : Finn on 09 625 5533 or 027 484 6326 or bronzrrrs@hotmail.com

If you are aware of any upcoming events please contact the webmaster on bronzweb@gmail.com, with details on what and when and a contact number. Alternatively you can contact BRONZ via P.O. Box 96187, Balmoral, Auckland, 1342

White Ribbon Ride

When: 20-26th November 2010
Where: All over the North Island (East Coast, West Coast and Central North Island Routes)
Why: To show you’re against violence towards women
Contact: www.whiteribbon.org.nz


All the BRONZ newsletters are now available online here.
News updates will also be posted and the blog includes direct links to the BRONZ website

Useful Links:

Aims of BRONZ:

To Promote road safety through road user education
Education Rather Than Legislation Saves Lives

To protect and promote the rights of the motorcyclist to decide his/her own future as a road user
Let Those Who Ride Decide

To promote and protect the general welfare of the motorcycling public

What Does Being A Member of BRONZ Mean?

BRONZ is a voluntary, non-profit organization. Your membership fee goes back to you, the member, via research into proposed legislation and road safety, regular newsletters and other social activities (eg Toy Runs, Blood Run, Easter Egg Run).

Your membership entitles you as a member and a motorcyclist to a say in how the organization is run. You are entitled to vote on issues that will affect the future of motorcycling and you may contribute anything that you feel is important. You are not obliged to attend any meetings or other functions regularly, although to get the full benefit of what BRONZ offers it is suggested that you avail yourself to as many as possible.

Branch meetings are open to everyone, members are welcome to bring a friend.

Being a member of BRONZ does not interfere with membership of any other organization or club. As a member of BRONZ you are expected to behave in a manner that will not be detrimental to the good name of BRONZ and the image of motorcycling.

Contact BRONZ

Les Mason
Auckland President
021 781 322

Finn Nielsen
Ride RIGHT Ride SAFE Coordinator
09 625 5533

Peggy O’Neal
09 638 9227

John Maloyd
021 894 988

David Cohen
Press Officer
09 523 5308

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